Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tommy (1975)

When - 12 November 2008
Where - Home (SD)
How - On Palladia.

As a fan of The Who, this was essential viewing. However, I found myself fast forwarding through most of it, because it's seriously wacky. At one point, Ann Margaret finds herself covered in beans, chocolate, soap suds, and maybe a few other things I can't remember, all of which came flying through the TV. It's an interesting message about Celebrity Worship, and also Media Worship, but it doesn't even try to make the message at all subtle. It's pretty obvious by the end what The Who is trying to say about their Pinball Wizard/Media Messiah. Still, some great musical numbers, specifically Pinball Wizard, with Elton John. Great stuff. But, overall, it was too much. Way too much.

Buy - No.

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