Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Surrogates (2009)

Let me list all the things about Surrogates that I just didn't get, or were never answered:

*SPOILERS AHEAD. But really, do you care? Cause you shouldn't...*

1) Procreation. How? When? If everyone is so tied up to their precious surrogate, how do they get out and make babies? Has this created some sort of Children of Men situation? Is the population dwindling? Why is this a more interesting scenario than the ACTUAL film?

2) War. Why fight against surrogates? If surrogates can get hit and killed WITHOUT killing their host, then what's the point of war? War is about human devastation. The loss of lives. Not the loss of toy robots. A big part of this film is the military creating a weapon that CAN kill the surrogate and the host, but before that? Yeah, just a lot of action figures getting hit by bombs.

3) Wait... There's NO murder?! But, aren't people sitting helplessly in their houses, connected to their surrogates? Doesn't that make them perfectly susceptible to being shot in the head without even seeing it coming? Yeah, it does.

4) How can one's mind separate controlling one's surrogate (like say, their arms), and then, in an instant, be able to control their own arms, so as to take off their techno goggles and "pause" their surrogate?

5) Why do surrogates refer to humans as Meatbags? That's pretty much the definition of the pot calling the kettle black. Surrogates are STILL HUMAN, no matter what lame plastic Ken doll you have out there pretending to be you. This is a pretty transparent attempt to be political, and it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

6) The film insists that "it's a felony to control someone else's surrogate" but how the freak do they control that? And, to make matters weirder, one shot in the film features an attractive surrogate wearing a company badge with a picture of the surrogate's user, who just happens to LOOK COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. WHA? What's the point of the picture? How do they  know this person is who he says he is? At one point, a human manages to kill a surrogates user, and then inhabit their surrogate with very little red tape or security to speak of.

This is the biggest, and weirdest hole of all. Surrogacy seems to be "patroled" but how closely? Not enough that an FBI agent surrogate couldn't easily be taken over by a complete stranger. That's not security. That's just retarded.

7) And the ending. This whole time, we're meant to believe this weapon is going to kill surrogates and their users, but when Brucie decides to shut down the surrogates, using the same weapon, why do their users survive? I suppose, since the weapon is being used on every surrogate in the world (yeah, the FBI can tap into them all, apparently), it's not as potent, but that's just not explained. And, I suppose, even if it was, the ending would still suck.

Buy? - Ha! Really? Is that even a question?

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